PGS @ EAGE 2023 | Talks

PGS will hold 11 presentations and one workshop at this year's EAGE. The talks cover acquisition, PGS Ultima, rock physics, new energy, and much more.

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Monday June 5 

14:30 - 14:45 | Workshop 12 | Nizar Chemingui - FWI Imaging (Lehar 1)

Tuesday June 6 

09:30 - 09:50 | Andrew Long, Magnus Christiansen, Cerys James, Sverre Olsen | Mitigation of CO2 emissions from marine seismic surveys via drag reduction and digital transformation initiatives (Stoltz 1)

13:45 - 14:45 | Nathan Oliver | (Strategic Panel) Near-field Exploration Strategies and Successes (Strauss 2-3)

15:25 - 15:45 | Bagher Farmani, Marina Lesnes, Yash Pal | Multisensor noise attenuation with RIDNet (Strauss 1)

Wednesday June 7 

08:50 - 09:10 | Nicholas Montevecchi (OilCo), Yang Yang, Nizar Chemingui, Sriram Arasanipali | Prospectivity insights from simultaneous velocity and reflectivity inversion, offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada (Strauss 1)

09:30 - 09:50 | Cyrille Reiser, Roberto Ruiz | Interactive rock physics atlas for CCS and near field exploration, a UK Southern North Sea case study (Stoltz 2) 

09:30 - 09:50 | Guangui Huang, Sean Crawley, Ramzi Djebbi, Jaime Ramos-Martinez, Nizar Chemingui | Deep Learning Velocity Model Building using Fourier Neural Operators (Lehar 2)

11:45 - 12:45 | Berit Osnes | (Strategic Panel) Filling in the Blanks - Conditions for Sustainable Net Zero Business Models (Strauss 2-3)

14:45 - 17:45 | Cyrille Reiser| Chair Person - Lithology and Fluid Prediction 

14:45 - 15.05 | Øystein Korsmo, Andrew Pankov, Mark Ackers, Cyrille Reiser, Grunde Rønholt, Christian Haug Cock, Viggo Tjensvoll | Application of simultaneous inversion (FWI and nonlinear LS-RTM) for improved imaging (Lehar 2)

14:45 - 15:05 | Per Eivind Dhelie (Aker BP), Karen Dancer (DUG), Vidar Danielsen (Aker BP), Simen J. Støen (Aker BP), Nils Erik Bakke (Aker BP), Martin Widmaier (PGS), Carine Roalkvam (PGS), and Oliver Jones (DUG) | High resolution quad source acquisition and processing for improved imaging around the Wisting field, Barents Sea (Dome 3)

15:05 - 15:25 | Zbigniew Greplowski, Christian Otterbein, Pauline Convert, Mike Townsend, Noemie Pernin, Mariam Makar | Reprocessed reservoir optimized seismic supports understanding and development of PL586 Fenja field (North Sea) (Dome 3)

Thursday June 8 

08:30 - 08:50 | Martin Widmaier, Carine Roalkvam, Okwudili Orji | Advanced high-resolution 3D streamer seismic acquisition solutions for new energy applications (Schubert 6) 

17:05 - 17:25 | Stian Hegna (PGS), Ross Milne (AkerBP), Bjarte Foseide (Aker BP) | The acoustic wavefield generated by a vessel sailing over ocean bottom cables (Schubert 6)