PGS is Expanding Cyprus Vision Footprint

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Reprocessing of conventional and GeoStreamer 2D data broadens Cyprus Vision data coverage.

PGS, in partnership with the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry (MECI), is further expanding its Cyprus 2D Vision dataset.  

Cyprus Vision is currently a contiguous PSDM data volume covering more than 20 000 sq. km. PGS is now depth reprocessing an additional 9 230 line km of conventional and GeoStreamer 2D data to expand the data footprint. 

Multiple gas discoveries have been made in offshore Cyprus in recent years, most notably those related to carbonate buildup structures in the pre-Messinian section, such as the recent Cronos and Zeus discoveries. There is also the possibility of presalt Miocene sandstone-hosted reservoirs such as the Aphrodite discovery. Cyprus Vision data provides further insights into the follow-on exploration potential in this exciting region. 

Explore our extensive data library to find out more about Cyprus Vision, discover the products already available and the new Cyprus 2D Vision data currently being reprocessed. A further phase of 2D reprocessing is due for completion in early Q1 2025. 

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