A Clearer Image of the Viking Graben

The Viking Graben GeoStreamer dataset, acquired over three seasons from 2009, pioneered 3D broadband acquisition on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The Viking Graben and surrounding areas continue to yield exciting discoveries in various geological settings.

There have been significant advances in several processing techniques since we last processed this data in 2012. These are enabling us to further our understanding of the hydrocarbon potential of this region.

The webinar will start with an overview of the prospectivity of the area, then guide you through our latest CWI processing workflow. Using real data examples we will focus on each of the processing steps by describing the principles, application, and benefits. 

Title Presenter Date                Start              Duration       

A Clearer Image of the Viking Graben

Nicola ODowd
Manager MultiClient Reservoir/ Interpretation

Marielle Ciotoli
Geophysicist Imaging & Engineering

28 Jun 2016 11:00 CET 30 min


Who should attend: The webinar is targeted at E&P companies whose Exploration Managers, Geologists, and Geophysicists require an up-to-date understanding of the CWI workflow over the Viking Graben. 

Registration is mandatory in order to participate in this event!
For registration or if you require any information beforehand please do not hesitate to send us an email.


Learn from our Reservoir and MultiClient seismic experts during the event or contact us.

Contact: mceurope@pgs.com

Location: Webinar

Registration: For registration, please send us an email!