Join us on Wednesday 13th November to find out more about the Flex Vision program and results.


PGS New Ventures Update
Speaker: Scott Opdyke
A quick peek at PGS’ regional new venture activities.

Rejuvenated Seismic Reveals Flex Trend Plays
Speaker: Scott Opdyke
Modern broadband imaging technology has rejuvenated legacy data in the Gulf of Mexico to delineate plays above and below the salt and improve imaging of known subsalt fields, enabling exploration for new near field discoveries. The high resolution detail provides detailed ties to producing wells and bypassed pay. Existing PUDs and attic oil compartments are identified for easy quantification and risk profiling.

Finding New Pay in Old Fields using new High Quality Data and Traditional Workflows
Speaker: John Pritchett, VP Geoscience, Fieldwood
Prolific fields like Hickory are well known in the GoM, these subsalt plays, in an area where large horizontal salt sheets cover more than half of the Gulf of Mexico’s floor, have challenged exploration teams for decades. While the geological formations distorted vintage seismic images, the team from Fieldwood takes a traditional approach with higher quality data to extend the life of these mature fields.

Lean Salt Architecture Along the Flex Trend of the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Speaker: Hermann Lebit
The allochthonous salt in the shelf break along the Northern Gulf of Mexico has been exposed to Neogene RoHo basin developments and other gravitationally driven kinematics of mini basins, leading to complexly deformed multi-layers of salt structures accompanied by extensive salt welds. A lean salt model allowed to differentiate among those kinematic layers of salt movement and ultimately contributed to higher resolution in subsalt imaging.

Flex Vision – A Live Data Review Across the Flex Trend
Speaker: Andy Conway
See the data. Following a brief review of the workflow and project status for Flex Vision, we will explore the suprasalt and subsalt potential of the Flex Trend with images from the Flex Vision Kirchhoff and RTM volumes.

Networking & Happy Hour from  4:30pm

Register Now

The event will be held at the PGS Office.

Register: mail if you would like to attend

Date:  Wednesday 13th November 2019

Place: 15375 Memorial Drive, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77079

Time:   14:00

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