- Seamless and fast integration of seismic and well data
- Allows for QC of seismic data by checking for AVO compliance and image integrity
- Rapid screening for analogs and scenario testing of lithology, fluids, and porosity in real-time
- Interactive rock physics tool for derisking plays
- Access to rock property information for non-rock physics experts
rockAVO is Integrated in our MultiClient data Library
The PGS data library includes well data, with rock physics models, interactive seismic AVO modeling capabilities, and data atlases.
By integrating different library products, users can calibrate GeoStreamer and other seismic data with conditioned well data and known production scenarios. Access to a homogeneous database of interpreted and conditioned well logs allows users to analyze the seismic AVO signature based on different fluid and matrix property perturbations.
Adding interactive rock physics modeling tools to a seismic analysis will further improve derisking and make it easier for exploration teams to identify play analogs for prospect screening and analysis. Production teams can use the tools to interrogate nearfield opportunities. While those tasked with carbon sequestration will be able to screen for suitable storage sites.
Get Closer to the Reservoir with Rock Physics Integration
Rock physics is the link between the seismic response and geological properties. It explains how rock properties (like clay content, porosity, and fluid-fill) influence elastic properties (such as velocity and Poisson’s ratio) and, therefore, the prestack seismic amplitude response at the well location.
The inclusion of well-based rock physics data in the PGS data library means that the interactive rock physics atlas browser rockAVO is now available as a MultiClient product. These rock physics atlases are a good fit with the PGS seismic data library, especially in the US and Europe. Well data is available for the Gulf of Mexico, Peru, the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea, the North Sea, the UK Central Graben, and Nigeria São Tomé JDZ.
The combination of GeoStreamer data and imaging technology, reprocessed broadband seismic data, and rockAVO rock physics tools and atlases offer significant benefits. Integrating seismic with well data can, for example, demonstrate AVO compliance.

Unlocking Reservoir Properties
Rock physics properties vary from basin to basin and from one stratigraphic interval to the next. For each, a separate model or rock physics template is required that relates the seismic response to earth properties.
PGS has now added the geological part that comes from the well data to its data library. The rockAVO tool delivers fully interactive, well-by-well rock physics AVO modeling. Fully dynamic live reports make rock properties accessible to non-rock physics experts.
Well Atlases with Rock Physics Models
Each well in these atlases has been conditioned and interpreted consistently to a high technical standard.
Regional rock physics atlases are available for Europe, the US Gulf of Mexico, and various countries in West Africa, including the Nigeria São Tomé JDZ. More are underway.
Deliverables include the raw and conditioned log data, the petrophysical interpretation, and the rock physics modeled elastic logs. The results are delivered within rockAVO. See below for more details on each of the atlases.
At the exploration stage, combining regional rock physics atlases with seismic data library coverage will permit fuller and faster calibration of zones of interest and analog screening.
Calibrate | Well Data to Seismic for Production and CO2 Storage
Combining 4D modeling of wells with 4D seismic further confirms the AVO compliance and imaging integrity of PGS seismic data and its suitability for reservoir monitoring and intervention.
4D synthetic AVO modeling can be integrated with measured seismic gathers using the rockAVO interactive software. This means PGS can deliver enhanced 4D feasibility studies and scenario modeling of reservoir characteristics, like saturation and pressure changes.
Changes in rock cementation, porosity, pore pressure, and fluid saturation can be modeled in the interactive browser, making it possible to closely monitor the injection of CO2 and its impact in the reservoir or aquifer.
Quantitative Interpretation Advantage
The objective of QI is to derive elastic seismic attributes within their proper geological context. Using rock-physics-driven QI techniques combining rockAVO, prestack AVO-compliant seismic data, and additional post-seismic inversion technologies, PGS clients can now better predict rock and fluid type accurately during reservoir review and prospect analysis.
Find Out More
For further information, please contact rockAVO.info@pgs.com