Creating The Premier Energy Data Company

PGS and TGS have merged to form a pioneering data and services company in the energy sector, serving customers across the energy value chain and positioning itself as a strategic partner for energy companies. Explore our vision. 

Offshore Crew

Geophysicists, Observers, Navigators, Mechanics

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Offshore roles combine technical skills and education with a hands-on approach and a love of the outdoors. Excellent collaboration skills are a must to excel.

The offshore seismic crew is typically a team of about 20 people, reporting to the Party Chief. They work alongside a maritime crew, which manages the ship and reports to the Captain. Offshore work can be very intensive, but also offers a lot of free time. Typically a crew works five or six weeks on, followed by an equal amount of weeks off. Onboard, the team is split into two shifts, working seven days a week, twelve hours a day.


Geophysicists analyze, investigate, and quality control the seismic data we acquire. This position has the primary responsibility for ensuring that the data acquired meets client specifications. Once this is achieved, the data is merged with navigational data for final processing.


Mechanics operate and maintain the mechanical equipment onboard our seismic vessels. Specifically, the quality control and maintenance of the seismic source systems, deflectors, in-sea equipment positioning, towing and handling hardware, as well as various other mechanical and seismic equipment.


Navigators plan the acquisition schedule and are responsible for positioning the vessel and all in-sea navigational equipment. Their task is to ensure that accurate positional information is produced for all seismic data acquired.


Observers operate the seismic recording instruments and seismic streamers, while constantly monitoring the signal versus noise characteristics to ensure that recorded data quality is acceptable. Deployment, recovery, and maintenance of seismic streamers and in-sea equipment is another important part of the Observers' responsibility.

To apply or search for vacant positions see our career portal, we only consider applications sent through the portal.

Offshore Vacancies

To search for vacant positions see our careers portal.