Here are some of the hot topics we would love to discuss:

  • Ghana: The Republic of Ghana’s first open license round.  Contact us to discuss data for Ghana acreage
  • Congo: New MegaSurveyPlus coverage to support the License Round bids and work commitments
  • Côte D'Ivoire: Multi-azimuth CDI Blk 706 survey combines new acquisition and reprocessing
  • Nigeria: Reprocessing provides the missing link between the north and western Gulf of Guinea
  • Benin: Advanced Interpretation Package adds geophysical insight to data from 2D and 3D MegaSurvey, conventional 3D seismic, and data for 34 wells
  • Namibe: Basin Source Rock Maturity Modeling from a new 12 000 sq. km survey derisks the prospectivity
  • Egypt: A new 22 000 km long offset 2D survey links East Mediterranean acreage to West Mediterranean frontier
  • Lebanon: Unlock the Levantine Basin using the PGS 3D PSDM MegaSurvey and 8 800 km of tied 2D GeoStreamer seismic data.

Technical Presentations

Tuesday 6th November
  • Congo License Round 2018-2019 Phase II Roadshow | Expo Seminar Theatre 3.30 - 5.30 PM
Wednesday 7th November
  • Future Trends, Hotspots & Drilling Programs: Angola, Congo, Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire | Plenary Program 9.50 - 10.40 AM, Alex Vartan
Thursday 8th November
  • Missed Opportunities in the West Africa Transform Margin | Prospect Forum 11 - 11.30 AM, Christine Roche
  • Missed Opportunities in the Kwanza Basin | Prospect Forum 2.30 - 3 PM, Mat Tyrrell
  • Ghana Licensing Round Roadshow | Prospect Forum 3.30 - 5.30 PM

Contact Us

For more information about PGS activity at this event, please send us an email