The opening of a supplementary round covering just this area is expected imminently, application guidelines were published 11 January. The OGA estimates reserves for the area amount to 150 – 300 Mbboe.
Outer Moray Firth
New PGS data cover most of the areas to be included in the OGA Supplementary Round for the Greater Buchan Area.
Three high-density GeoStreamer surveys were acquired in 2018 and PGS has applied the most up-to-date processing technology to create 3D images that improve the understanding of both source and reservoir potential. The key imaging challenge of Moray Firth is the masking of deep structures by a combination of shallow water and complex shallow overburden.
If you are interested in evaluating how modern broadband data can enable a better understanding of the Outer Moray Firth opportunities, get in touch! A selection of time slots is available.
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