After years of using some of the world’s most advanced supercomputers to process subsurface data, PGS has transitioned to Google Cloud Platform. Because the size and nature of seismic datasets differ from most others on the cloud, that presented a few interesting challenges requiring pioneering solutions.
At this Google Breakfast Seminar, PGS digital experts will be presenting on a range of topics, firstly John Brittan discusses PGS' journey using Google Cloud, and Espen Grimstad (PGS) and Abul Fahimuddin (Cognite) examine innovation through collaboration between PGS and Cognite in regards to Seismic Data as a Service.
Thursday 25 May
08:00 - 08:30 - Breakfast and networking
08:30 - 08:40 - Welcome and Introduction
08:40 - 09:05 - PGS and Google Cloud Journey - John Brittan
09:05 - 09:30 - Seismic Data Management as a Service: Digital Innovation through Collaboration - Abul Fahimuddin and Espen Grimstad
09:30 - 09:50 - Google - how the future looks
09:50 - 10:00 - Summary and closing
This is a great opportunity to discover more about PGS' digitalization and our work and relationship with Google and Cognite. Join us to learn just how far PGS has come in its Digital Factory, our journey to full-scale seismic Imaging in the cloud, and seismic data management as a service Find out more and register for this exciting event here.
Event Summary
Date: 25 May
Organizer: Google
Location: Stavanger