PGS has been at the forefront of building regional seismic products for the MSGBC region for several years. On the NWAAM 2D and JAAN 3D projects, we have invested in collaborations with TGS & GeoPartners, and provide expertise throughout the project workflow cycle, from concept to commercial success. 

Meet our MultiClient experts at the event. Let us know if you would like to arrange a tailored meeting.


Location: Dakar, Senegal

Venue: King Fahd Palace Hotel

About the conference: Organized in partnership with Petrosen, the MSGBC Basin Summit & exhibition is dedicated to exploring the potential of Mauritania, Senegal, the Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry. Speakers come from the private and public sector, including the Senegalese Ministry of Energy, local regulators, the five NOCs (Petrosen, GNPC, SMHPM, ONAP, and Petroguin), IOCs and independent E&P companies.