GeoStreamer® is PGS' preferred technology for MultiClient acquisition as it provides superior imaging and greater insight regarding subsurface prospectivity.

Our data library focuses on areas of high prospectivity increasing the chances of exploration success. Taranaki, New Zealand is one of those. We offer a range of commercial models for data licensing, designed to suit the exploration objectives and ambitions of any oil company.

Meet us at the New Zealand Petroleum Conference 2018 to get the latest updates on our data library and view the quality of the both the Taranaki South MC3D and Taranaki West MC3D.






Rapid 3D Prospectivity Screening of the Outboard Taranaki Basin

Tom Paten, PGS Project Geoscientist                     

28 March



For more information please refer to the conference program.

Contact us

Meet with our team at the conference or contact us for more information.

Event: New Zealand Petroleum Conference

Location:  Wellington, New Zealand

Attend the conference: Register here

About the New Zealand Petroleum Conference

This is New Zealand’s premier oil and gas event.  Every year large numbers of delegates from across New Zealand and around the world come together to celebrate its petroleum industry. The 2018 conference promises to celebrate the industry's achievements through an informative and diverse program, outstanding networking opportunities and a lot of fun.