The demands of exploring more complex new frontiers in particular will not be fulfilled without accurate velocity models. Understanding the fundamentals, and then challenging the approximations of seismic velocity estimations, limitations, and pitfalls in practical applications, are the main keys to building the most accurate integrated velocity model. This approach, which exploits the relationship between the refraction, reflection, surface waves, and non-seismic data, considers the wave propagation which is based on strong simplified assumptions. Accurate velocities are the main challenge for improving seismic data and depth prediction. For example, near-surface irregularities require accurate velocity models for proper imaging of the deep subsurface. Moreover, high-resolution velocities are also desirable for wave-equation-based migration algorithms required for subsalt imaging.
Wednesday, 10 March 2021 | Session 7 – Wave Equation Tomography
13:35 – 13:55 (GMT): Accelerate Exploration-scale Velocity Model Building Using a Monte Carlo Simulation
Tony Martin*, Marcus Bell, Thomas Massip, Yermek Balabekov, PGS
Thursday, 11 March 2021 | Session 9 – Waveform Inversion Part 1
11:00 – 11:20 (GMT): An Effective Workflow for Reflection-inclusive FWI in Frontier Environments
Tony Martin*, Nizar Chemingui, Yang Yang, Jaime Ramos-Martinez, Tiago Alcantara PGS