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Andreas Alberg of Oslo Katedralskole Won Abelkonkurransen

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“One of the best aspects of the Abekonkurranse is that it contributes to creating an arena where pupils that are good at maths and sciences get an opportunity to show it, and to compete. Congratulations to a deserving winner," says Minister for Education and Integration Trine Skei Grande.
Trine Skei Grande, Norway’s Minister for Education and Integration handed out the first prize.

Trine Skei Grande, Norway’s Minister for Education and Integration handed out the first prize. 

Mathematics talent Andreas Alberg outperformed over 3 200 participants from the initial rounds and 24 finalists in the most prestigious STEM competition for high school pupils in Norway. The first prize is 15 000 Norwegian kroner and the opportunity to represent Norway at the international mathematics Olympiad in St. Petersburg, Russia 8 -18 July 2020.

"It was exciting right until the end and I was nervous. There are many strong competitors in Abelkonkurransen, so I was not sure I would win. What made the difference was that I was the only one to manage the last geometry exercise," says Andreas Alberg. Victory in 2020 is his third consecutive win. 

Second place went to Philip Berg Sveen from Nydalen upper secondary school, while Christoffer Grøndal Tryggestad from Oslo katedralskole took third place. Andreas Notøy from Sandefjord upper secondary school took fourth place, Erik Mjaanes from Oslo International School was placed fifth, and sixth place went to Elias Ekern Baird from Danielsen upper secondary school.

The PGS Challenger prize went to the youngest newcomer in the Nils Henrik Abel Math Competition, David Strømme Eikeland from Orstad Skule. David is a candidate who has the potential to win Abelkonkurransen in a few years.  

PGS, the main sponsor of Abelkonkurransen, invites all the finalists to visit the Company’s headquarters in Oslo in connection with the award of this year’s Abel Prize in mathematics. Their aim is to offer the young math talents insight into how PGS uses mathematics in practice to image the geology of the subsurface beneath the seabed; seismic data allow oil and gas companies to find and produce hydrocarbons more safely and efficiently. 

"We have started a process of digital transformation that will increase the efficiency of our operations and facilitate the achievement of our strategic goals. That includes everything from how we run our offshore operations, to how we process seismic data and engage with our customers. Digitalization will open new opportunities for the use and interpretation of data through machine learning and artificial intelligence. Mathematics and problem solving are fundamental to the technical aspects of digitalization, which is why it is increasingly important for PGS to encourage young math talent in Norway," says Rune Olav Pedersen, President and CEO at PGS.

About Abelkonkurransen

Abelkonkurransen (Niels Henrik Abel Mathematics Competition) was established by the Norwegian Mathematical Society in 1981. Each year, thousands of Norwegian high school students compete to be recognized as the country’s best young mathematicians and an opportunity to be one of six on the team that represents Norway in the annual math Olympics. 

The Norwegian Mathematical Society owns Abelkonkurransen. The Institute for Mathematical Studies at NTNU has technical responsibility for Abelkonkurransen, supported by Matematikksenteret, NTNU which also has administrative responsibility for the competition.

PGS is the main sponsor of Abelkonkurransen, under an agreement, signed in 2011, with the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, with an annual financial contribution to stimulate young people’s interest in mathematics.

About Abelkonkurransen in English | PGS and Mathematics | Les mer om Abelkonkurransen

Media Contacts

Bård Stenberg, PGS
Mobile: +47 99 24 52 35

Beate Horg, Matematikksenteret, NTNU
Mobile: 412 11 821

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