The EAGE and the SBGf will host the First EAGE/SBGf Workshop on Least Squares Migration’ from November 27-28, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Least-Squares Migration (LSM) is an imaging technique that has gained attention in recent years for its ability to improve images obtained by traditional seismic migration methods. It minimizes the presence of artifacts, mitigates illumination variations, and increases spatial resolution.
In fact, LSM is the latest step in a continuous path towards revealing the reflectivity information recorded within the full wavefield of any marine seismic dataset.
In this article, titled ‘Technology Advances Reveal Unseen Seismic Reflectivity’, he discusses the following advances:
- Removing the effects of ghost reflections (wavefield separation)
- Imaging the earth with the full wavefield (using what was once regarded as 'noise' to instead be valuable signal)
- Compensating for non-uniform illumination and acquisition aperture artifacts, and recovering much higher wavenumber information (Least-Squares Migration)
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