Open Acreage Nominated by PGS in Campos Basin to be Offered by ANP

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The National Agency of Petroleum (ANP) has recommended to the National Council of Energy Policy (CNPE) to include PGS-nominated blocks Onix, Citrino, and Larimar in the next cycle of the Permanent Offer Sharing Round. These three blocks, located within PGS’ Campos Deepwater GeoStreamer X MultiClient 3D, lie in Campos Basin just east of the prolific Marlim cluster and encompass over 4 500 sq. km of offered acreage.

New Data Provides Superior Insight 

The Campos Deepwater GeoStreamer X survey is the newest and only multiazimuth survey in the Campos Basin. It provides improved illumination and subsurface imaging of the presalt section as well as new insight into this complex play.  The new data reveals the prospectivity of this open acreage, leading to the block nominations by PGS.  

By analyzing the new high-resolution GeoStreamer X data, PGS has identified additional presalt targets. The improved illumination and subsurface imaging enable detailed interpretation and lead to more reliable presalt prospect identification. New quantitative interpretation (QI) attributes support the play potential and further derisk future exploration. 


Future Campos Deepwater Work 

The Onix and Citrino blocks lie within the Campos Deepwater GeoStreamer X coverage, while the Larimar block lies within our northern extension to the Campos Deepwater project. Campos Deepwater Vision is a rejuvenation project for the underlying east-west azimuth data and will be available in September 2023, prior to the upcoming bid round, where these blocks will be offered. In addition, PGS holds a seismic permit to acquire an additional north-south azimuth over the Larimar block, and this would extend the multiazimuth GeoStreamer X footprint over this block. 


More Running Room 

As companies are running out of space to explore the presalt plays offshore Brazil, these soon-to-be-offered blocks Onix, Citrino and Larimar provide compelling new areas for those interested in continued presalt exploration in Campos Basin.   

PGS’ latest Campos Deepwater GeoStreamer X MultiClient 3D products reveal additional presalt opportunities in this portion of the Campos Basin. These opportunities have now been passed along to ANP and will be offered in the next cycle of the Permanent Offer Sharing Round.    

PGS data library coverage in the Campos Basin covers many of the license round block areas.  

To evaluate the presalt opportunities within the Onix, Citrino or Larimar blocks for yourself, please book a Campos Deepwater data review session with one of our PGS sales personnel. 

Contact a PGS expert

Please contact a member of our Brazil team for more information.