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PGS Completes Coverage of West African Transform Margin with New Côte d’Ivoire Data

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The latest PGS MegaSurvey data reveals Tano Basin prospectivity from shelf to deep water and supplements our continuous data coverage from Côte d’Ivoire to Nigeria. This data package from PGS enables regional exploration across the West African Transform Margin.
Phase 2 of our CDI MegaSurvey data adds 9 897 sq. km of 3D and 24 632 km 2D in the Tano Basin. The CDI MegaSurvey now offers 32 310 sq. km of continuous full-stack data for Cote d'Ivoire.
Phase two of our CDI MegaSurvey data adds 9 897 sq. km of 3D and 24 632 km 2D in the Tano Basin. The CDI MegaSurvey now offers 32 310 sq. km of continuous full-stack data for Cote d'Ivoire.

Cretaceous Potential Revealed in CDI Open Acreage

In partnership with PetroCi and Direction Générale des Hydrocarbures, PGS has completed phase two of the Côte d’Ivoire MegaSurvey, adding 9 897 sq. km of 3D and 24 632 km 2D in the Tano Basin. Data from phases 1 and 2 have been matched, merged, and re-binned onto a common grid, to create a single, continuous 32 310 sq. km volume of full-stack data in the time domain.

The latest Cote d’Ivoire MegaSurvey spans the western extension of the prolific Tano Basin and covers the recent high-profile “Baleine” (Eni) discovery, reported to have found light oil in two separate reservoirs of Santonian and Cenomanian/Albian age. The MegaSurvey is along strike to the recent Eni “Eban-1X” nearfield discovery, which also discovered oil in an 80m-thick section of Cenomanian sandstones.

Numerous Upper Cretaceous turbidite channel and fan systems present in the eastern deepwater area are also revealed on the new coverage.


The basin-wide understanding provided by PGS MegaSurvey seismic data allows reliable regional depositional models to be built both spatially and temporally through geological time, making it easier to identify the best potential targets for future exploration
The basin-wide understanding provided by PGS MegaSurvey seismic data allows reliable regional depositional models to be built both spatially and temporally through geological time, making it easier to identify the best potential targets for future exploration


Exploration Screening on West African Transform Margin

The new MegaSurvey coverage allows the entire West African transform margin to be analyzed in a regional context.

PGS 3D data along the margin covers existing discoveries, farm-in opportunities, and open blocks available for licensing. A special promotional package is available that allows exploration for analogs, identification of new prospects, and detailed play analysis from shelf to deep water, along the entire margin.

Five key regional horizons have been tied to wells and interpreted allowing field-scale geological understanding to be placed into a basin-wide context and open acreage opportunities to be assessed with confidence.

Our CDI MegaSurvey is part of PGS' continuous seismic data coverage across the entire West African Transform Margin, from Côte d’Ivoire to Nigeria
Our CDI MegaSurvey is part of PGS' continuous seismic data coverage across the entire West African Transform Margin, from Côte d’Ivoire to Nigeria

Find Out More

To discuss the new PGS data package for West African Transform Margin, see the data, or talk with our experts, contact your account manager or

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