Pervasive infrastructure allows for lower cost structures and profitability in the ~ $50 per barrel market. However, this same complex infrastructure of rigs and platforms has hindered the acquisition of new 3D streamer data, thereby reinforcing the value of upgrading the existing seismic. Deepwater Miocene reservoir sands deposited in slope to basin floor settings are significant new exploration targets in this area, and nearfield, infrastructure-led exploration continues to be important. Both of these activities require high-quality depth imaging owing to the presence of salt and the need for improved velocity control.
Flex Vision Program
PGS Flex Trend data has proved to be a respected industry dataset over the heart of the mature deepwater areas in the US GoM. The new Flex Vision program will significantly improve image quality, resolution, bandwidth, and geologic accuracy by starting from field tapes and applying the latest broadband imaging technology from data conditioning, noise and multiple suppression, to new model building tools and imaging algorithms which will provide the most comprehensive and geologically sound data set to date. These data will allow E&P companies to increase near-term, step-out potential from existing production facilities and supply the right data to unlock increased production, as well as explore and develop prospects that will help support profitability in today's oil market.
Initial industry support has sanctioned the new program and once complete Flex Vision will encompass over 31 000 sq. km spanning from High Island to Mississippi Canyon over the mature shelf and deepwater areas of the US GoM. With Area 1 covering over 6 000 sq. km in the Central GoM over Vermillion, South Marsh Island South, and Garden Banks PGS will provide Early Out images in Q3 of 2017 followed shortly thereafter with Final Migration and Final Wave Equation Inversion products.
For more information on Flex Vision please contact
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