“Our initial coverage of shallow blocks six to eight will allow interested E&P companies a head start on derisking prospectivity of the area ahead of bid submissions in 2021”, says Christine Roche, New Ventures Manager for PGS in Angola.
Commercial, strategic and technical benefits are available to early participants in the survey. Preferential license fee rates and early fast-track data deliverables are available for early participants.
A multi-year Angola License Round program (see map below) was recently announced during a series of License Round Roadshow events. The shallow-water shelf blocks of the Kwanza Basin present considerable remaining hydrocarbon potential. Past successes within shallow-water Kwanza include the Denden, Azul, Cegonha, Muamba, Pakubalu and Mubafo Fields, with reservoirs in both the presalt and the postsalt. Since 1993, just five exploration wells have been drilled on this acreage.
2019 acquisition of multisensor 3D GeoStreamer data over the shallow-water shelf area of the Kwanza Basin, Angola was acquired in cooperation with the Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis (ANPG).
The survey used a triple source configuration, with 12 x 8025 m streamers operating in fan mode and multisensor GeoStreamer technology. Following modern processing and imaging, these will provide clearer images with reliable attributes.
Find Out More
To find out more and arrange a more detailed discussion regarding Kwanza Shelf exploration opportunities, contact amme.info@pgs.com
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