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PGS Reveals Comprehensive Data Coverage on Nominated Blocks in Santos Basin

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PGS, a leading provider of seismic and reservoir data for oil and gas and new energy exploration and development, offers comprehensive data coverage of several blocks newly approved for licensing in the Santos Basin.

The Amazonita, Safira Oeste, and Safira Leste blocks, which lie in one of Brazil's most prolific offshore basins, have been approved by both ANP and CNPE for the upcoming Permanent Offer Sharing Round

Stakeholders are invited to delve into PGS's data insights to review these large areas in preparation for the impending licensing round.

"PGS's data coverage provides unparalleled insights into the hydrocarbon potential of Amazonita, Safira Oeste, and Safira Leste, empowering decision-makers to make informed choices, on these promising blocks," emphasizes Chadwick Hintz, Sales Manager Brazil at PGS.

Well Results Support Prospectivity Assessment 

The Santos Basin blocks were nominated by PGS following a meticulous assessment of the comprehensive Santos Vision dataset, to evaluate prospectivity and the viability of identified prospects. These blocks exhibit clear carbonate build-up on structural highs, four-way dip closures, with well-imaged leads beneath a salt seal, and a proximal source kitchen. Evidence from the Parati and Dolomita Sul wells also indicates the presence of hydrocarbons within the Safira Leste and Oeste areas.  

With high-end imaging technology and optimized parameterization, this data can also be suitable for prospect maturation.

Find Out More

To arrange a datashow or access more information about PGS's data coverage and services for Brazil, contact

An interpreted sample line from the PGS Santos Vision dataset is representative of coverage over Amazonita, Safira Oeste and Safira Leste blocks (symbols indicate reservoirs and source rocks).