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PGS Supports Local Communities in Angola and Ghana

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Two projects that have been completed in the last year are the building of three schools in Luanda, Angola, and the fulfillment of material improvements to six fishing villages on the Ghanaian coast.

In 2021 PGS was appointed to sponsor the construction of three schools (Belo Monte, Mayombe, and Kicolo) in the Municipality of Cacuaco in the north of Luanda city, Angola. These three new schools will allow thousands of children to join the education system.

This project came to completion as part of the social responsibility commitment that PGS has with ANPG (National Oil, Gas and Biofuel Agency). Under the general supervision of the PGS Office in Luanda, three schools were built within a year by local construction companies. 

Multiple local TV and media channels covered the schools' inauguration by the Minister of Petroleum, the Secretary of State of Mineral Resources, the ANPG President, the Luanda Governor, and other authority representatives.

Belle Monte school has 7 classrooms, a teachers’ room, and an administrative area. 

These schools will now provide a safe and positive learning environment for both primary and secondary children. 

PGS Supports Coastal Communities in Ghana 

PGS has also supported six communities located along the coast of Ghana where the MC Ghana Tano Basin 2019 3D GeoStreamer was acquired. The support came in the form of three fishing net mending sheds, one mechanized water system, and 300 waste bins to support beach cleaning in the communities. The sheds are expected to benefit fishermen who previously mended their nets under a makeshift structure, at the mercy of the weather.

Fishing Net Mending Sheds

The new sheds at the beaches of Esiama, in the Ellembelle District, Effasu and Ahobre in the Jomoro Municipality, create a place for the fishermen to gather to patch their nets in readiness for their next fishing expedition. These roofed facilities are painted with anti-corrosive paint and have a sitting area and a place to hang nets for mending. The floors are tiled to make them easier to clean and use for other communal gatherings.

Fishing net mending shed 

Waste Bins and Mechanized Water System 

PGS support has contributed to Ghana's national efforts to achieve Target 2 of the United Nations SDG Goal 6. PGS distributed 300 waste bins to the six coastal assemblies with fishing activities with the aim of keeping the beach clean.

The project also covered a 10 000 liter mechanized water system at New Town in the Jomoro Municipality, with a system for extension to private homes and commercial facilities. The water system is fitted with standpipes for easy access and an overhead tank for storage.

Mechanized water system

Thank you to all that were involved in these projects, both within PGS and from the local communities. PGS is proud to be able to make a contribution to these communities in Angola and Ghana.