“Data matters, and good data matters even more. In my daily work as a rock physicist, I depend on good quality well log data. I rely on good quality petrophysical (CPI) logs, in particular saturation, clay volume, and porosity, in order to test and calibrate my rock physics template models. Both during my time as exploration geophysicist in Tullow Oil, and more recently as an independent geophysicist in Dig Science doing collaboration with PGS, I had the opportunity to use the rockAVO database. This has made my work day much more efficient. Not only are a lot of the log curves, that I often used to spend days and weeks generating, now available. The data are also standardized into a format that makes it convenient to pool lots of data together and perform big data analytics on these data, like extracting multilinear relationships between different elastic and geologic parameters, or to perform facies classification using machine learning.
Traditionally, petrophysics has focused on the reservoir zone only, but in this database, all intervals, including reservoir, cap-rock and overburden, are considered equally important. The rockAVO database has therefore been proven to be very useful during the process of generating uplift maps, as it covers all intervals and wells over large areas of the Norwegian shelf. During AVO feasibility studies and QI work, rockAVO has been a nifty support, as synthetic seismograms for different fluid scenarios are already available. In an increasingly data-driven industry, I will therefore not hesitate to recommend the rockAVO as a ready-to-use seismic petrophysics database, and also a great toolbox for quick-look analysis that can be utilized by QI practitioners with varying degrees of experience in rock physics”