Creating The Premier Energy Data Company

PGS and TGS have merged to form a pioneering data and services company in the energy sector, serving customers across the energy value chain and positioning itself as a strategic partner for energy companies. Explore our vision. 

Anticorruption Effectiveness Survey

During the past five years, all PGS managers and employees have participated in anticorruption training. All have been through the e-learning program and those who are particularly exposed have been given annual in-person training.

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This year, we included a set of anticorruption questions in our Global People Survey. The results will help us evaluate how successful our compliance awareness initiatives have been and where we should focus our efforts to improve further. Improvement initiatives include, among other things, mandatory e-learning for all employees, targeted in-person training for exposed people, and intranet articles.

Improved effectiveness of background checks of agents and intermediaries

One improvement initiative in 2018 was to concentrate the task of performing integrity due diligence of our candidates for services such as intermediary, in-country representation and business development. By forming a competency group performing these tasks, we are convinced that our scrutiny will further improve, and as a result our exposure will be further reduced.