The output from our dialog with customers was expected to support the development of PGS’ corporate strategy around a customer-centric vision. In-depth interviews were conducted with 39 senior contacts from the geophysical and exploration departments of client companies.
The interviews confirmed that our customers’ buying behaviors have changed in a world of decreasing or flat budgets. PGS is however described overwhelmingly as a leader in marine seismic acquisition and is widely recognized as a technology-focused company that has advanced the industry as a whole through the launch of GeoStreamer, for example. We are rated highest for our technology, health, safety and environment (HSE), and delivery of reliable services.
The interviews however also highlighted a need to take the relationship with our customers beyond the functional, by demonstrating that we care and understand their needs and challenges. The overall feedback will inform our overall company strategy and provide a steer to the way we will promote our company identity, and how we will structure our customer engagement going forward.