Santos Vision | Revealing Brazil

Santos Vision delivers a geologically sound dataset to image hydrocarbon plays offshore Brazil. It mitigates exploration risk and provides a reliable seismic foundation to pursue new opportunities.

Talk to our experts at ACE, or email to arrange a data show, or discuss how Santos Vision overcomes the G&G illumination challenges offshore Brazil.

Explore Eastern Canada

PGS is about to start its ninth consecutive season of GeoStreamer data acquisition offshore East Canada in this project that is once again carried out in cooperation with TGS. 

Talk to our experts at ACE, or email to discuss prefunding options, arrange an early data show, or discuss how GeoStreamer technology helps overcome exploration challenges offshore Canada.

Technical Sessions 

  • Monday 4:05 - 4:25 PM | ROOM 214 B/C
    Timing of Late Pre-Salt Faulting and Salt Mobilization in the Santos Basin, Brazil | H. D. Lebit*, J. Tilton, P. Ollagnon, S. Arasanipalai and B. Virlouvet
  • Tuesday 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM | EXHIBITION HALL P60
    Attribute Analysis and Morphologic Evaluation of an Incised Valley System in the Santos Basin, Brazil | J. Tilton*, H. D. Lebit & H. Bedle
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM | EXHIBITION HALL P42
    Lean Salt Architecture in the Northern Gulf of Mexico | W. J. Beck*, S. Tierrablanca, T. Buckley & H. D. Lebit
  • Tuesday 11:10 - 11:30 AM | ROOM 214 A
    A Multi-Disciplinary Workflow to Achieve the Largest, Seamless, High-Quality Presalt Image in Santos Basin, Brazil | S. Arasanipalai*, P. Ollagnon, H. D. Lebit, J. Tilton & B. Virlouvet

Lunch & Learn at AAPG ACE

Join us for lunch and expand your mind as well as your waistline!

Behold the Giants of the Pre-salt in the Santos Basin, Brazil |  presented by Dr. Hermann Lebit, PGS Principal Geologist

Emerging Plays and Prospects in Upcoming License Rounds, Offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada | presented by Dr. Richard Wright, Manager Exploration, Nalcor Energy - Oil and Gas

Event Details

  • Title: AAPG ACE
  • Date: 19-22 May
  • Location: San Antonio 

The American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and its Divisions, along with the Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM), the Austin Geological Society and the South Texas Geological Society will host the AAPG 2019 Annual Convention & Exhibition (ACE) at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas 19-22 May 2019.