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A Modern Perspective on Marine Multicomponent Seismic

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In this Industry Insights paper, Andrew Long looks at access to separated wavefields and the associated opportunities for new survey design, improved operational efficiency, and high-resolution seismic imaging at all depths. Wavefield separation can be achieved both with multisensor towed streamers and multisensor ocean bottom receivers.

An EAGE/SEG Workshop in Kuala Lumpur next week will discuss the current state of marine multicomponent seismic. This is a popular topic and the workshop is expected to attract a large following. However, the amount of 3D data acquired annually with seafloor cables or nodes, or permanent sensors trenched into the seafloor is small by comparison to the data acquired with multisensor streamers, which also provides access to separated wavefields.

Industry Insights: A Modern Perspective on Marine Multicomponent Seismic looks at the unique features of ocean bottom sensors and nodes, survey design, various characteristics of the data collected, and relative benefits for interpreters. Much of the discussion relates to multisensor streamer acquisition, with frequent references to multicomponent OBS.

A comprehensive reference list of related papers is included.

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