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PGS Reveals Seismic Data for UK 31st Round Awards

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Unlock future oil and gas developments in frontier areas of the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) in the Faroe-Shetland Basin, Moray Firth, Irish Sea, East Shetland Platform, and Mid North Sea High.

“PGS has modern seismic data over most awarded acreage in the UK 31st offshore licensing round, including excellent GeoStreamer coverage of Faroe-Shetland Basin, Moray Firth, East Shetland Platform and Mid North Sea High. For the remaining areas, we can propose tailored technical solutions for new acquisition and reprocessing,” says Øystein Lie, PGS’ New Ventures Manager for Europe.

Modern data and imaging offer clear advantages in frontier areas. Multisensor broadband seismic can help geoscientists reveal and exploit new UKCS prospectivity.

“New reservoirs remain to be explored,” says Lie, “and unlocking their untapped potential is easier with high-quality seismic data.” He invites the 31st Round award winners to delve into GeoStreamer detail to search for missed targets, and identify near-field opportunities.

During appraisal stages, results have shown that multisensor broadband seismic can play a useful role in reducing risk and uncertainty in resource estimates. By applying QI routines, this data can be used to derive precise rock properties and develop a better understanding of lithology and fluid distribution. Recent studies show that these datasets can also be used to assess drilling hazards, with SWIM processing.

Following over ten years of broadband investment, the PGS MultiClient library for the North Sea offers an excellent resource for those seeking to develop established plays or generate new ideas within frontier areas.

Find Out More

Contact us to arrange a tailored data show to demonstrate what can be achieved using GeoStreamer technology throughout the life cycle of your field

UK 31st Round Awards mapped to PGS data library coverage
UK 31st Round awards (orange) superimposed on PGS data library coverage. Contact us to hear about new ventures planned for additional areas


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